My programs support you to focus energy, attention and time on making every team better.
Teams that Lead
The #1 reason that strategy fails is a lack of horizontal collaboration.
Leadership teams need to be better connected to deliver on their strategic objectives, to foster a culture that is aligned with their values and to support performance across the organisation.
TeamUp programs are designed specifically for leadership teams needing to take a deliberate approach to team performance. This is done through the lens of the Team Performance System.
The Team Performance System shows that a team’s performance is the product of its capability, cohesion and context.
Capability - The ability of team members to perform tasks.
Cohesion - How well team members can work together to perform tasks.
Context - The circumstances and setting for the team.
Perfect for Leadership Teams who want to be:
Connected to the organisation purpose, strategy and vision
Connected to each other as humans, not resources
Connected throughout and beyond the organisation.
Facilitated Interactive Workshops
Monthly strategy sessions
Digital and physical resources
Implementation support
From $9 900 + GST
Duration: 1 Day to 12 months
Learn more about the Team Performance System in Keegan’s book ‘Team Up’ - Click here

of leadership teams are high performing.
Become a team that leads.
Team Leaders
The leadership that our teams need is no longer that which is reliant upon authority, positional power or crude applications of generic reward - and punishment - strategies.
It is no longer sufficient for leadership to be centralised - either within teams or within organisations.
We need Dynamic Leadership.
We need leaders capable of operating in a range of ways in response to the context of their teams and the broader organisation.
Dynamic Leadership adapts and responds to the needs of the team and the team’s context, and not an individual’s leadership preferences.
My Leadership Development programs are an effective way to lift the performance and engagement of leaders and teams across an organisation.
The program allows participants to develop:
Greater awareness of operational and strategic challenges across teams and the business
Strong network of connection with peers across the organisation
Practices to improve their current and ongoing leadership performance
Perfect for organisations seeking :
Higher levels of engagement with both the leaders and the teams that they lead.
Increased connectivity within and across the business contributing to improved organisational agility
A deliberate and explicit process for leaders to develop themselves and each other.
Facilitated Interactive Workshops
Monthly group coaching
Digital and physical resources
Implementation support
Up to $4 990 + GST per person for 12 month program.

of workers are just “coming to work” instead of contributing all they could to their organisations.
Team Members
Up to 95% of knowledge workers are on multiple teams and some are on ten, twelve or more.
That leads to a key challenge faced in modern organisations - individuals, leaders and teams feel overcommitted. When individuals aren’t equipped to operate in multiple team membership environments, they suffer, their teams suffer and organisations suffer.
When individuals are supported, they feel more connected to their work, having a positive impact on their teams, organisations and customers.
They become ‘energised’
'Energised' team members applies a specific definition of energy from Rob Cross and others at Ross Business School in Michigan. It refers to how employees are “mentally engaged, enthused and willing to commit efforts to possibilities” while engaging in their work.
Through this lens, the difference between individuals being energised, or not, is difficult to overstate.
An Oxford Review research briefing on relational energy cited research findings that positive energy significantly increases an individual’s:
Learning capacity.
Organisations seeking:
To empower and enable individuals to operate as part of a dynamic network of teams.
A more resilient, resourceful and connected way of working that drives performance.
Ways to attract, retain and develop the best talent.
Facilitated Masterclasses (delivered in person or online)
Monthly group coaching
Digital and physical resources
Implementation support
From $490 + GST per person
Programs to energise, connect and optimise your teams.
Interested in working together?
Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly.